Wednesday, October 30, 2019

HUM CHECKPOINT WK6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HUM CHECKPOINT WK6 - Essay Example The religion has five pillars that characterize the obligatory concepts of worship. Therefore, this paper will explain on the five pillars of Islam and the central beliefs in the Islamic religion as per the five pillars. It will also highlight the easiest pillar and which will be the most challenging to fulfill. Ideally, the Islamic faith has central beliefs in that there is believe in only one God and that one should pray in order to maintain a healthy relationship with Him. This becomes the most fundamental pillar in Islam, which is Shahadah. The second pillar in the Islamic religion is Salat, which is the prayer schedule that each follower should be adherent. The prayer schedule should be in the early morning, at noon, mid-afternoon, before sunset, and in the evening. Ideally, this makes the number of times to be five in a day. As a mandate, a faithful has to cleanse their bodies before any prayer session and need to bow down as a sign of submission to Allah. Thirdly, Islam religion has Zakat as its other pillar of religion that requires the faithful to give alms to the poor in the society (Natana, 2010). In essence, it is the duty of every Muslim faithful to try to eliminate economic imbalance. This can be through donating part of their money, time, and services to those who are underpr ivileged. Essentially, families and businesses give two and half percent of the total cost of their valuables and savings. In addition, the religion has Sawm as the fourth fundamental pillar, which is the ritual fasting as a sign of repentance. This comes in to pay especially during the Holy month of Ramadhan. During this month, Muslims abscond from eating drinking of having any sexual relations during daytime. The fasting helps the faithful to appreciate Allah for His provision, to repent their sins, and to keep the poor in mind. However, only the young children and those with severe medical conditions may not fast. Lastly, the fifth of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Great Traditions In Ethics Essay Example for Free

Great Traditions In Ethics Essay The overcoming of the fear of death figures as a key component of Epicurean philosophy. Because the Epicureans valued above all other accomplishments, the living of a good life and that pleasure is the end of all morality and that real pleasure is attained through a life of prudence, honor, and justice the acknowledgment in Epicurean philosophy that the fear of death intrudes upon individual happiness is not at all the same as admission that fear of death is an insurmountable condition, (Epicureanism). To the contrary, the epicurean philosophy seeks forts to identify the root causes of the fear of death, which are: 1) The fear of being dead. 2) The fear that one will die, that ones life is going to end. 3) The fear of premature death. 4) The fear of the process of dying and for each of these considerations, Epicurean philosophy provides a response. The intention of epicurean philosophy is to persuade its adherents that death is not bad for the person who dies although death is inevitable and is the total annihilation of that person; despite the belief in total annihilation Epicurus held no regard for death itself. The basic center of the Epicurean refusal to fear death lies in the epicurean belief that God should not concern to us. Death is not to be feared and these facts are unchangeable despite ones subjective, emotional reactions. because death means the end of consciousness and the total annihilation of the individual, nothing exists beyond death which may cause fear at all,(Warren 4-7). It is only by admitting the fear of death and addressing it straight on through applied logic rather than religion or mysticism that the fear of death can be conquered. The Epicureans regarded the overcoming of the fear of death at the very heart of their ethical project. They identified the goal of a good life as the removal of mental and physical pain. Mental pain they further characterized as anxieties and fears because fear of death causes pain to the individual it must be overcome and it can be overcome by logical acceptance of the fact that death holds no pain for the person who experiences it. (Warren 6) Just as the fear of death prevented many individuals from achieving happiness in life, justice (or lack thereof) provides enmity to happiness in the Epicurean ethical tradition. For Epicurus, laws and justice are a matter of personal bearing and dignity as well as intelligence and experience. Under an Epicurean ethic, in a world full of Epicurean sages there would be no need for written prescriptive laws. Everyone in that case would be able to see and remember what contributes to the utility of the community and would act accordingly (Warren 183). The idea of breaking a rule of justice is wrong because it causes the eventual pain or threat of pain or disturbance to oters happiness as well as ones own. Unlike Epicurus, St. Augustine sees the need for rigid law to control human society and he envisions this law emanating directly fro the Divine. In his distinction between the City of God and the City of Men he makes clear that the church is divinely established and leads humankind to eternal goodness, which is God and that in the ideal city, The state adheres to the virtues of politics and of the mind, formulating a political community. Both of these societies are visible and seek to do good. (Bonner 54) By contrast, the City of Man exists to serve selfishly driven needs and does not partake of the Divine spirit of creation and Divine Law. The idea of self-love against the love of God separates the two cities an idea which springs from what Augustine was afterwards to regard in The City of God as the architect of the Earthly Citylove of self to the contempt of God (Bonner 54).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Kosovo Crisis :: essays research papers

There has been a conflict for quite some time now between the people of once Serbia now Yugoslavia and the Islamic countries bordering them. The grudge can be traced back over 600 years to the first battle. The hatred between the two sides is still endures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No one knows exactly when the repugnance started, but the situation was understood. During the time of the Ottoman Empire the Turks were terrorizing most of Europe, ferociously converting people into Islam. The other option was death. The Serbs at that tie were always known for their strong faith in Christianity. So backing down was not an option. The Serbs, until this day have not invaded other countries, only defend what is rightfully theirs. There were other countries that agreed with the Serb’s standpoint so they had forces that joined too. The Serb’s allies include Hungarians, Croats, Bulgarians, Czechs, and Franks. The actual battle of Kosovo took place on June 28 1389. The Serbian’s of who were mostly comprised of peasants armed with whatever they had, and outnumbered, were led by Prince Lazar. Their manpower was about ?. They went into a full on brawl with the Ottoman Turks who were led by Sultan Murad I. their troops reached to above 30,000. Because the Serbs were defending they had the upper hand. Yet, by one strategic flaw the Serbs lost the battle. An unanticipated flank divided the mass of the Serb army and the Turks rolled over them. A very significant part of the outcome was that both Sultan Murad and Prince Lazar perished in battle. The Sultan’s killer became a hero in Serbian folklore; his name was Milos Obilivic. The battle itself took such a toll on the Turk’s forces, that it stopped there quest for conquering all of Europe. As an intimidation, a man known as â€Å"Vlad the Impaler† would put the heads of Turkish soldeirs on pikes along the border of Kosovo. The story says that Vlad was bloodthirsty because of such acts, thereby starting the whole legend of vampires. Vlad the Impaler is also more commonly known as, â€Å"Count Dracula†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In reality by numbers the battle was definitely a Turkish victory. But the Serb’s point of view was that even though they lost the battle, they had perpetrated their cause. Because of this one fact, there has always been a dispute, and things never get a chance to resolve.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A word is half the sender, and half the receptor

Today, more than ever, language is an integral part of our existence and survival. We depend on it to think and communicate on a day to day basis from person to person. Language as a basic communication takes the form of: sender, message and receiver, and is said to be highly specialized and sophisticated. Language allows us to communicate an infinite variety of messages; indeed, sometimes messages are unclear or vague because both the sender and receiver might not have the exact same understanding of their language. This last problem of communication that is unclear or vague is one that results from the use of words for which the range of application is not clear. One could also say that something which is vague is that which lacks precision. This type of vagueness results from statements or words which are not quantifiable and therefore lead to misunderstandings between the sender and the receptor. Montaigne said something very true about the term ‘word' as it is very difficult to define. To start, what is a word? What is the definition of the term word? All these deceptively simple questions have led to debate among linguists. At its most simple, according to David Crystal, a word is â€Å"a unit of expression which has universal intuitive recognition by native speakers†. However, a word is so much more than that: a word has to be imaginarily divided into the person who say it and into the person that receives it because these two individual members of communication have their own way to interpret what is the idea within that precise word. In order to know the exact meaning of the term ‘word' we have to take into consideration the fact that some words have a denotation and several connotations. A denotation is the primary or ‘dictionary' meaning; what the word describes precisely, no more no less. On the other hand, a connotation is the ‘added value' to a word; what it implies; what is associated or attached to it by society and/or the individual. Some words, for example expressive words, have much more connotation because they create feelings and atmosphere. The term ‘apple' denotes more than the term ‘food', and yet the term ‘food' connotes more than the term ‘apple'. There are some factors that affect the connotation of a word. For example, the term ‘weekend' has lots of connotations and these will vary depending on the receptor's age, sex, social class, personal interest, past experience, etc. A 16 year old girl can associate the term ‘weekend' with: party, friends, cinema, relax, sleep more, have fun; while a 50 year old man who owns a restaurant will associate the term ‘weekend' with: more customers, more work, more stressful, higher incomes for the company and less time to relax. Communication, that is the â€Å"system of verbal gestures by which a speaker points out a reality to a listener†, requires that the two parties involved have a similar understanding of the language. Such a problem arises when two people speak a different language, but the same thing can occur on a smaller scale if people have a slightly different understanding of the same language. This is because we unconsciously assume that the other person (the receptor) is identical to us in their use of language. This often is as a result of a sender and a receiver (or writer and reader where it happens these same sort of confusions because of misunderstanding of message by problems with their language) who use certain words in a different manner. It is necessary, for communication not to be impeded, that the second individual has the same understanding of a word as the first. That is why it can be said that a word is half the sender and half the receptor as both of them have their own way of interpreting the word and also their own way of recreating it by its meanings in their minds, by all the factors mentioned above. To conclude we can say that language is our most important tool in communication and thus must be employed in order to interact with each and everyone who surrounds us. If it were not employed, communication would be hindered, delayed or even blocked, to a far greater degree than it is due to the problems such as misunderstanding, vagueness or the fact that words have different connotations to everybody. It should be the aim of everyone to, when possible, avoid these problems. The result would be language which is far clearer, precise, and less confusing, that will help both the sender and the receptor in order to transmit a more concrete message and therefore understand themselves in a more optimal way. Language free of most problems would make it an even greater tool, effectively improving the communication between persons and developing better understanding and knowledge through this communication.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bad Teachers

The poor teaching habits of teachers shows greatly in the way students learn. It causes students to become unmotivated, drop out, and it also increases their chances of going to prison. In the documentary â€Å"Waiting for Superman† states that because of bad teachers students are more likely to fail and drop out of school. In the documentary they showed that bad teachers just sat in class and slept or did not teach but since they had tenure they could not be fired without going through paperwork and courts. The students are what suffer the most because of this.Bad teachers are the main cause of failing grades, unmotivated students, and the increase of high school dropouts in prisons. The lackadaisical mentors cause students to hate what they are learning and not want to learn. It also causes them to not go to class and start to fail. The documentary stated that careless teachers only cover fifty percent of the material while good teachers can cover three times that. In my hig h school we had a teacher who didn’t make class worth coming to. She would give notes and handouts and sit at her desk the whole class.It made it really hard for me to learn, or want to learn. I basically had to teach myself algebra because she wouldn’t. Then when the next year came along I had no idea what we were learning. My lazy teacher ruined mathematics for me. When students become unmotivated they start to fail their classes because they think they can’t learn, or they are stupid, when in reality it is the teachers fault. Failing students can become depressed or not care what happens to their future but they don’t realize that with failing grades colleges won’t accept you, and if you do get into a college you won’t know the material.Bad teachers are the cause of unmotivated students because when students don’t have fun learning they won’t want to learn. When students don’t want to learn it ruins their chances of g etting good grades in that class and also other classes. Prisons are filled with high school dropouts because they can’t get a good job without a diploma. To make extra money they may sell drugs or rob people and when they get caught they go to jail. I personally believe that if the school system was fixed there wouldn’t be as much crime because people would want to learn and go to college to make good money. The cause of all of this goes back to the teachers. Waiting for Superman† shows the statistics of high school dropouts to inmates in prison and they were very high. The school system needs revised so that students can get a better education and be able to succeed in life. Until we can do this the bad teachers will continue to ruin students’ education making them not want to learn or end up dropping out. The documentary â€Å"Waiting for Superman† was very educational of how schools cannot change due to tenure and unions. I believe that bad teac hers will never go away until they start to notice that this generation is failing because of the education we need but did not receive.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Kitchen Table Ethics Essays

Kitchen Table Ethics Essays Kitchen Table Ethics Essay Kitchen Table Ethics Essay I realized that just because we were taught something or told something it was very rarely displayed. Our Kitchen Table Philosophy was very situational in my family. I believe that my philosophy was, as I say not as I do. ?C,-1? My brother, sisters and I were taught to work hard and care for others by our parents. We were told the difference between right and wrong. For the most part we were raised to be religious. Manners were very Important and we were told all you added In life was love and that would bring you happiness. Although we were told to work hard my father had a Job only half of my childhood. My mother told us not to drink and drive but my father had three We were told to treat everyone the same, but every race and religion had Its own derogatory slang word. Dating someone who was not would not have been acceptable In my family. Education was never pushed on us and I don? remember my parents ever asking If we had homework. I also remember being told that you could do whatever you wanted in life and to accomplish it all you had to do was apply yourself. Maybe this is because neither of my parents had an education. My father completed his junior year and then dropped out where as my mother at least had her high school diploma. Sitting around the kitchen table or standing around with family members was not unusual for a family get together. This is where I learned most of what was right and wrong. This is were where I would listen to relatives and learned that what my parents showed us as an example was wrong. I learned that in life love was? al you needed for happiness, you also needed money. Something we did not have growing up in my house. As I grew up, the outside world played huge part of who I am today. I know that lust because you may not be we are all created to be equal. Everyone who wants to further themselves has the opportunity to do so and that being a good example is very important. And also the differences between right and wrong is not only saying it but also doing it. I am a parent now and I believe that not only should you teach right and wrong o should be an example to your children. I tell my children not drink and drive that wrong and so I do not drink and drive. I tell my children school Is very Important and that you can do anything you want to do If you apply yourself. Not going to college is not an option for my children and they know that. When my son came to me and said, mom you go to college?C,-1?0 that made me realize I should go to college and be a good example I also explain to my children that sometimes parents make mistakes but you can try to go back to correct hat mistake. When my husband and I talk about politics and one of the children say who they want to win the presidency we ask them why. We try to encourage our children to think for themselves. I think that Kitchen Table Philosophy does have a lot to do with how a person can turn out. I also believe that no matter what belief system you grew up with and no matter want Slacken ladle you going to Just get by? Phonology you were release Walt, In ten Ana all about your example. The question is, are you going to rise above it if need be or are

Monday, October 21, 2019

The battle of Gettysburg Essay

The battle of Gettysburg Essay The battle of Gettysburg Essay Orlando Arevalo Arevalo 1 1/24/14 The Battle of Gettysburg The American Civil War started in 1861because the Northern and Southern part of the United States fought for westward expansion and slavery. When Abe Lincoln was elected in the election of 1860, it caused seven states to secede or leave the South. Four more states joined them and left after the first shots of the Civil War. Four years of fighting took place in battles like Bull Run, Antietam, and Chancellorsville. I stopped at Chancellorsville because the next battle is Gettysburg. I will be talking about this brutal battle. The Battle of Gettysburg was the largest and most famous battle in the American Civil War. This battle took place in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and last approximately 3 days (July 1 through July 3 1863). It was such an influential battle that it led to the result of too who won the Civil War. Before the fight had even started, cities like Baltimore and Pittsburg were under a threat of being attacked by General Robert E. Lee and his Confederate Army (Southern States). The Union and its new commander, General George G. Meade, were trying to stop the attack. June 30th, that morning, a whole bunch of Confederate troops headed toward the sweet town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The commander looked through his glasses and spotted Federal cavalry that were heading toward Gettysburg. The Confederate Army fled but would be back the following morning. The Union were also outnumbered and still managed to move the Confederates back. This was going to be a close battle. Arevalo 1 â€Å"The following morning, July 1 (start of the battle), divisions of Confederate Army were headed back to Gettysburg. They ran into Federal cavalry again. Events would quickly escalate but General Robert E. Lee fought with about 25,000 and General George Meade had less than 20,000 men.†( The Federals and their cavalry were pushed back all throughout Gettysburg. After this, General Lee told General Ewell to take hold of high ground so that the Federals wouldn’t be able to sneak up on them. But General Ewell hesitated to perform the attack so the Union could possibly go along Cemetery Ridge and bring in reinforcements such as guns, cannons, and mortars. Instead during this time, General Meade was regrouping troops and supplies. He was able to total 100,000 men to arrive. Lee thought that his army was the best and could not loose and he was missing his cavalry which helps to see and hear during the movement of all of the opponent’s troops. â€Å" The cavalry leader had gone with his troops to harass the Federals.† So General Lee came up with a plan. The plan was to attack the Northern army’s defense position. The next morning, July 2nd, Robert E, Lee ordered General Longstreet to attack the Union’s defense position. Longstreet took so much time to gather his troops the he didn’t perform the attack until 4 p.m. â€Å"When the attack broke out, some of the harshest fighting of the Civil War had already taken place. In places like Little Round Top, Devil’s Den, and Peach Orchard. General Longstreet took over Peach Orchard but wasn’t able to go through Little Round Top because of a very observant General Warren for the Union that smelled General Longstreet’s attack plan. This fight lasted until dark and the Confederate’s were unsuccessful. Although the Union was able to hold their ground, they did lose some but managed to hold Cemetery Ridge (defense position). Arevalo 1 Both the Confederate’s and the Union regrouped and brought in more and more supplies and soldiers to fight. Although they were regrouping, the generals on both sides were planning for what they didn’t know was the last day of this historic battle. General George Meade

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Chemistry Abbreviations Starting With the Letter S

Chemistry Abbreviations Starting With the Letter S Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letter S used in chemistry and chemical engineering. S - Entropys - secondsS - Sulfurs - solids - spin quantum numberSA - Salicylic AcidSA - Surface AreaSAC - S-Allyl CysteineSAC - Strong Acid Cationsal - salt (Latin)SAM - S-Adenosyl MethionineSAM - Spin Angular MomentumSAN - Styrene-AcryloNitrileSAP - Super Absorbant PolymerSAQ - Soluble AnthraQunoneSAS - Small Angle ScatteringSATP - Standard Ambient Temperature and PressureSb - AntimonySB - Solvent BasedSBA - Strong Base AnionSBC - Styrene Butadiene CopolymerSBR - Sequencing Batch ReactorSBS - Styrene Butadiene StyreneSc - ScandiumSC - Silicon CarbideSCBA - Specific Chemical and Biologic AgentsSCC - Stress Corrosion CrackingSci - ScienceSCO - Super Charged OxygenSCS - Single Crystal SiliconSCU - Scoville UnitsSCVF - Single Chamber Vacuum FurnaceSCW - Super Critical WaterSCX - Strong Cation eXchangerSDMS - Scientific Data Management SystemSDV - Shut Down ValveSDW - Spin Density WaveSE - Sample ErrorSe - SeleniumSec - SecondsSCN - ThiocyanateSEP - SeparateSEU - Slightly Enriched Uraniu mSF - Safety FactorSF - Significant FiguresSFC - Supercritical Fluid ChromatographySFPM - Suspended Fine Particulate MatterSg - SeaborgiumSG - Specific GravitySG - Spheroidal GraphiteSH - Thiol functional groupSHE - Standard Hydrogen ElectrodeSHF - Super High FrequencySHC - Synthetic HydroCarbonSi - SiliconSI units - Systà ¨me international dunità ©s (International System of Units)SL - Sea LevelSL - Short-LivedSLI - Solid-Liquid InterfaceSLP - Sea Level PressureSm - SamariumSM - Semi-MetalSM - Standard ModelSMILES - Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry SystemSN - Sodium NitrateSn - TinSNAP S-Nitroso-N-AcetylPenicillamineSNP - Single-Nucleotide Polymorphismsp - hybrid orbital between s and p orbitalsSP - Solubility ProductSp - SpecialSP - Starting PointSPDF - atomic electron orbital namesSQ - squaredSr - StrontiumSS - Solid SolutionSS - Stainless SteelSSP - Steady-State PlasmaSTEL - Short Term Exposure LimitSTP - Standard Temperature and PressureSTM - Scanning Tunneling Microscop eSUS - SUSpension

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fair Value Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Fair Value Accounting - Essay Example Since then, the pros and cons of fair value accounting have been debated. On one hand, fair values provide a better view of current market conditions and therefore provide him with more relevant information. However, on the other hand it increases volatility in earnings and may not necessarily ensure reliability and relevance. This is because if an active market does not exist, it would be determined by calculations which are subject to management bias. While some people argue that fair value accounting provides us with truer financial statements, others question its validity. Hence, those institutions that use more and more of fair value option should also disclose adequate information regarding the assumptions, changes in acquisitions or sales, predictions and all those factors that affected the values that show in the financial statements as fair values. This would enable the users of financial statements to make knowledgeable and wise decisions. Fair value accounting is a way of accounting in which an asset or liability is valued at its current exchange price at a measurement date, in absence of an actual transaction for that asset or liability. In financial statements, all financial instruments may be valued at fair value. Before 200... The statement defines fair value of an asset as the price at which it can be traded or sold in an orderly transaction between 'market participants', other than in insolvency. Similarly, fair value of a liability is the amount at which it can be acquired or settled in an existing transaction between 'market participants', other than in insolvency. (KPMG, 2007) Market participants refer to buyers and sellers in the most principal or beneficial markets for those assets or liabilities. They meet four criteria: they are unrelated with the reporting body; they possess the knowledge required to have a realistic insight into the transactions; they are financially and legally able to carryout transactions for the entity; they are prepared to transact without any pressure. (KPMG, 2007) Principal market is the market with maximum volume and level of activity where assets and liabilities are sold or traded by a reporting entity. An entity that does not have a principal market determines its most beneficial market by including the transaction costs. (KPMG, 2007) Explanation Fair value of an asset may be equal to its quoted market price. However, this may not always be true. Fair value takes into account advantages and disadvantages that each party may gain from the transaction whereas market value may not always consider that. Also there might not be a quoted price for all assets or liabilities. In such circumstances, fair value has to be generated using the best information available to the preparers. Consequently, difficulties arise in creating those estimates. (KPMG, 2007) In accounting, fair value is used for those assets or liabilities whose carrying value is rooted in mark-to-market value. Carrying value is the amount

Friday, October 18, 2019

Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Comparison - Essay Example There used to be one green board at the rear wall where we used to put up charts and drawings of our relevant subjects. whereas in US the classrooms I found were very much different from what I have seen in the middle east. the walls were colorful with more wall charts and drawings. The classrooms in the Us were more engaging and meant to keep the students in there more interested in studies. As compared to the schools and classrooms in US, Middle Eastern system had a stricter environment. The students in Middle Eastern schools are well behaved and disciplined as compared to the schools in US. The education system however, is very much better in the US, inspired from which improvements can be made in the education system of Middle East. From my experience, a classroom with a better engaging environment can be of great help to the students. As is seen in the classrooms of schools in US where they have maintained their classrooms according to the standard and age of the students studying in them. They have colorful walls, educational drawings and paintings all over the walls as well as for older and mature students they have all the relevant instruments and technologies within the reach of the students in their classrooms. Most of the schools and classrooms lack these advances thus making an American classroom far better to study and

Courtroom Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Courtroom Technology - Essay Example The result was a massive media spectacle. Some judges disapprove of cameras in the courtroom, suggesting that judges may end up playing up to the camera. It is generally considered a negative thing to have a great deal of media attention surrounding a trial as it may prejudice those involved. Different jurisdictions have different rules relating to this issue. Indeed, even some Supreme Court Justices have been somewhat schizophrenic on this issue. A few years ago, Justice Antonin Scalia, who has always taken a hard line against technology in the courtroom, expanded the notion of where technology was acceptable during a public speech he gave: During an April 7 speech by Scalia at a high school in Hattiesburg, a deputy federal marshal, Melanie Rube, demanded that AP reporter Denise Grones and Hattiesburg American reporter Antoinette Konz erase recordings of the justice's remarks. The reporters had not been told before the speech that they could not use tape recorders. When Grones resis ted, the marshal took the digital recorder out of her hands. The reporter then showed Rube how to erase the recording (AP). This issue caused a great deal of controversy at the time, and eventually led to an apology. Nevertheless, it has been reported that Justice Scalia is fond of the Ipad and uses it regularly. Clearly, the position of courts have everywhere have been evolving over the years. A timeline would suggest they have moved from conservative restriction to a more permissive, liberal approach. Standards vary from one jurisdiction and one judge to another. Indeed, other supreme court judges have been equally happy about the result of technology in the courtroom. One of the court's recent appointees, Justice Kagan, has the following to say about the huge amount of legal pleadings that justices have to work their way through: â€Å"At times there are as many as 50 friend-of-the-court briefs for one case. That is on top of the motions submitted directly by the named parties. So there is a lot of reading . . . And you know that's a big part of the job and if a Kindle or an iPad can make it easier, that's terrific" (Beahm). We see that people intimately involved in the judicial system have embraced technology in some ways, while rejecting it in others. We need to find ways to effectively implement technology across the board so long as it is helpful. There are a number of other ways that technology can be useful to those involved in the legal profession. For example, electronic discovery has made life very difficult for many lawyers. The sheer quantity of electronic documents involved in some cases makes it impossible to physically go through every document or email by hand. Special software is required to deal with these large quantities. This software can search through keywords to find important phrases or names. It can dramatically shorten the amount of time required to find what a lawyer is looking for. Both courts and lawyers can work together as pa rtners to develop and implement technologies in the courtroom. One system currently being used is called Digital Evidence Presentation System and allows for electronic, integrated presentation in the courtroom. As one expert says: â€Å"Although attorneys have significant control over the systems in the courtroom, the court has instantaneous override capability. With the touch of a button, a judge can turn off every screen in the courtroom, including the screens in the jury box and the large screen displaying

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Procurement route Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Procurement route - Essay Example The clients specify the budgetary constraints to the consultant who are then supposed to determine the targets and requirements from the business case prepared by the client. As the requirements and specification are prepared by different entities, certain amount of time is spent in the transformation and is hence slow in comparison to other approaches. This approach has also not been found to be suitable for complex construction projects due to a lack of prolonged involvement of the client in the design and build, due to which there is a gap between desired outcomes and the actual implementation. There is a greater degree of sub-contracting of certain aspects of the construction to specialized sub contractors due to which work progresses on numerous fronts simultaneously, which is why it is suitable for fast-track and complex projects. An additional management contractor is employed to maintain correspondence with all elements connected with the project involved in the project. This way, the management contractor has full freedom to choose specialized companies to handle specific works of the project qualitatively and at a brisk pace. This approach also provides less cost certainty as both design and construction commence at the same time, which means adjustments and modifications to cost, budget and raw materials always take place. The preceding paragraphs have described the various procurement routes that have evolved as part of the process of procurement. However, not all are suitable in the current context of the issue surrounding the Conlon’s Chemicals site. As such, it is deemed appropriate to evaluate each procurement approach with the given problem and arrive at the most suitable procurement route. The client in this case has only specified the budget and has made it clear that the cost of the two projects have to stay within the specified budget. When considering the traditional

Studying and analysing the performance of UK Gambling 1252 Essay - 1

Studying and analysing the performance of UK Gambling 1252 - Essay Example In order to evaluate the performance of UK’s gambling industry, three leading gambling organizations; Ladbrokes PLC, Rank Group PLC and Sportech PLC’s financial performance has been considered. The report presents rationales for the selection of gambling industry and selection of the three gambling firms to conduct the study (Chalabi, 2014). The researcher has briefly discussed the outlook of the UK gambling industry on the bases of statistical representation and interpretations of three major gambling firms of UK. The report will elaborate about the internal and external factors that have influenced performance of UK gambling industry. Therefore, PEST analysis has been conducted to illustrate about Political, Economical, Social and Technological factors to determine external environmental factors influencing the performance of the industry (Chalabi, 2014). Moreover, legislative and environmental concerns have also been discusses with respect to the recent amendments in laws and regulations of the government that has affected profitability of the firms. The second section of the report focuses internal factors of the gambling industry. Thus, ratio analysis and SWOT analysis have been conducted to determine financial and non financial aspects of firms and industry (Scherer & Palazzo, 2014). The ratio analysis has been conducted using five years financial results of the company obtained from the annual reports and industrial ratios (Fridson & Alvarez, 2011). The ratio analysis has been used as a tool to compare the performance of each firm to provide insight to the financial concerns of the gambling industry. The third section discusses SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats) of the selected firms and industry, as it allows understanding potential opportunities and threats of the UK’s gambling industry. The report would significantly contribute to evaluating and study the performance of gambling industry in UK. It will

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Procurement route Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Procurement route - Essay Example The clients specify the budgetary constraints to the consultant who are then supposed to determine the targets and requirements from the business case prepared by the client. As the requirements and specification are prepared by different entities, certain amount of time is spent in the transformation and is hence slow in comparison to other approaches. This approach has also not been found to be suitable for complex construction projects due to a lack of prolonged involvement of the client in the design and build, due to which there is a gap between desired outcomes and the actual implementation. There is a greater degree of sub-contracting of certain aspects of the construction to specialized sub contractors due to which work progresses on numerous fronts simultaneously, which is why it is suitable for fast-track and complex projects. An additional management contractor is employed to maintain correspondence with all elements connected with the project involved in the project. This way, the management contractor has full freedom to choose specialized companies to handle specific works of the project qualitatively and at a brisk pace. This approach also provides less cost certainty as both design and construction commence at the same time, which means adjustments and modifications to cost, budget and raw materials always take place. The preceding paragraphs have described the various procurement routes that have evolved as part of the process of procurement. However, not all are suitable in the current context of the issue surrounding the Conlon’s Chemicals site. As such, it is deemed appropriate to evaluate each procurement approach with the given problem and arrive at the most suitable procurement route. The client in this case has only specified the budget and has made it clear that the cost of the two projects have to stay within the specified budget. When considering the traditional

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Psychological Treatment of Culturally Diverse Populations Research Paper

Psychological Treatment of Culturally Diverse Populations - Research Paper Example In contrast in 2000, the numbers fell down to 69%. The U.S. Census Bureau foresees that racial/ethnic minorities will constitute a numeric majority by the year 2050. However, other private researches made by the Council of National Psychological Associations for the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Interests (2000) anticipate that this demographic transformation will take place sooner. The following 2000 U.S. Census figures will provide us with an overall idea on some minority groups. The U.S. Census Bureau reported several conclusions on the bases of these statistics. Most importantly, they consider that it is impossible for the mental health clinician not to meet clients who differ in regards to race, ethnicity, and culture. Secondly, what is defined as therapy can vary considerably from the traditional understanding of the mental health professional. And last but not least, mental health workers have to become culturally competent in order to meet the needs of their clients. Attention to diversity and cultural competence and awareness are of great importance for the U.S. society since it has become increasingly diverse. In this paper I will focus my attention on ethical practice with patience from different cultural, ethnic and racial background. I will also concentrate on some recommendations for the psychological treatment of Mexican-American population. The American Psychologica... Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic and Culturally Diverse Populations (APA, 1993) suggest comprehensible counseling and flexible perspectives for working with such individuals. It is of great importance that each psychologist remains sensitive to diversity issues and possesses general knowledge about the groups that seek mental health treatment. The American Psychological Association Ethics Code (APA, 1992) requires that psychologists are aware of "cultural, individual, and role differences" and "accord appropriate respect to the fundamental rights, dignity, and worth or all people (Principle D: Respect for People's Rights and Dignity, p. 1599)." Further, the psychologists are instructed by the APA Ethics Code (1992) to acquire the necessary training if he is to work with individuals of diverse background. Having the knowledge about the client's culture will aid the therapist to incorporate into the mental health treatment traditional spiritual and healing customs and will reinforce the partnership between the therapist and the patient. Aviera (2002) reports on multiple occasions when disclosing personal details "helps the Latino client feel that the therapist is a caring and real person (p.18)." Familiarity with one's culture, openness and genuineness of human interactions are of prime significance if the psychologist aims to work effectively with culturally diverse client. According to the numbers provided by the 2000 U.S. Census over 35 million identify themselves as Hispanic, which approximately makes 13 % of the total U.S. population. The majority 58.5% are of Mexican origin. Barona (2003) reports that "many ancestors of present-day Mexican Americans resided on this land when national borders were established more than

Monday, October 14, 2019

Meeting of minds Essay Example for Free

Meeting of minds Essay In what ways does this scene represent 2 characters crossing boundaries and understanding each other a meeting of minds?  The scene automatically has a sense of irony, as both Yolland and Maire both cannot understand a word each other is saying, this means communication was needed to be made in an alternate way, these ways are through the use of identifiable feelings and emotions, as well as paralanguage to indicate the feelings and emotions that the character is trying to express. Throughout their conversation, it would seem unlikely to a person who has just picked up the book that Yolland and Maire do not speak the same language, and therefore cannot fathom what each other is trying to say. This is due to the similarities of speech between the two of them; they always seem to have a vague understanding about what the other person is trying to say. An indication of this is where Maire says, The grass must be wet. My feet are soaking. straight after Yolland points out, The grass must be wet your feet are soaking. It is clear to see the similarities in their speech, although the context is just flipped around, but apart from that it is almost identical. Emphasising this collision, linguistically speaking, is the stage directions, expressing the characters body movement. The way they seem very immature when they realise they are holding hands, then immediately disengage and move apart. Another way that they can be seen as immature is through the basic communication, such as pointing. Knowing that the other person cannot understand what they are saying might be a factor in the characters lexis, especially regarding Yolland where he says Ive been watching you night and day for the past because if Yolland was to say this to Maire and she understood it, she could take it two very different ways, and decide that in fact Yolland is a bit weird. Without the aid of a similar language the characters find another way to communicate, which involves Maire saying English words, which she knows, and Yolland encouraging her, Yes-yes? Go on- go on- say anything at all- I love the sound of your speech. This shows although they cannot understand each other Yolland is fixated by Maire, and there is this chemistry, a bond between them, which they both know, are there but just cant explain it to each other. The communication between the two of them become so intense that Yolland starts reeling of whole sentences, without realising that Maire does not have a clue what he is on about, she just stares at him unknowingly and wondering. It becomes clear that they need some common ground to try to relate with each other this occurs, when Yolland starts saying Irish place names, Maire reciprocates and this carries on as though they are flirting, which leads them back to the way they were, when they ran together, as once again they were holding hands, at this point they exchange their raw feelings without the satisfaction of being understood, they hold each other and tremble in one anothers arms, the lexis leading up to the kiss is very heated, there is a mutual understanding of the word always I believe this to be significant as this is one of the final words before they kiss it just shows the compassion they hold for each other. Unquestionably above everything the connection is a meeting of minds as the only way of really communicating was through paralanguage, and the fact that they are very similar people, with similar thoughts and feelings, about the way they act, the way they speak, and the way they feel for each other. In a way their relationship could be seen as an example to be followed, as if individual Irish and English people can get along and fall in love, whats to say England and Ireland should not at least be able to tolerate each other. Yolland and Maire, by not understanding verbally, will have an extremely deep understanding of each other mind, in turn this may lead to a significantly compassionate relationship, or just a passing phase, however I believe there is a meeting of minds, and the kiss only emphasises the coming together of these two foreign bodies into one.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Research On Compensation And Benefits In Employee Motivation Business Essay

Research On Compensation And Benefits In Employee Motivation Business Essay Abstract (executive summary) One of the biggest challenges facing business entities is the recruitment and retaining employees especially in the 21st century where the interest of employees is not getting employed, but rather in getting satisfaction in their jobs. Many employees come from houses and environments that are violent and chaotic. In the job, such kind of an employee needs to feel happy and forget the home problems. Consequently, employees move from one job to another in search of this environment. One of the ways of keeping these employees is to motivate them, a subject very complex, broad and expensive. The research carried out identifies compensation and benefits of keeping such employees in addition to the other motivational factors. Introduction Employees can very committed to the work assigned and be working very hard. However, if their hard work is not seen and appreciated, they become demoralized and their productivity may diminish considerably (Werner, and DeSimone, 2009). It is believed that human resource is the most valuable and delicate asset of a business though never included in the balance sheet of the corporation. Mistreating them will make the productivity of the business go down and consequently collapse, while appreciating their efforts will encourage them more leading to more production thus growth, development, and expansion of the business with the goals, objectives, vision, and mission in the mind in a bid to achieve them (McNamara). Motivation is one of the factors that keep employees on board, motivates them to work harder and better thus leading to increased productivity and growth of the business. Without motivation, productivity, morale, profits, product, and service delivery becomes at stake. It may be external or internal in nature (Werner, and DeSimone, 2009). The external motivation factors include the non-related work environment including both financial and non-financial aspects. On the other hand, the internal factors are those related to working environment that may include good working relationship, clean working environment and probably use of appropriate tools. Whether internal or external, there should be motivation. Compensation and benefits are reward based motivational factors. Benefit is an indirect reward that an employee gets for being part of the family or the organization (Mathis, and Jackson, 2008). On the other hand, compensation entails the reward that is given to an employee to complement the time or any resource that he might have used. This is going to be the basis of my research and as I present this research paper together with the recommendation, I believe it will see the company go further. Through developing the right strategic planning, steps are going to be taken to support the motivation of your employees (Mathis, and Jackson, 2008). Problem Statement Many organizations including our organization have found it difficult to retain good employees and enhance their productivity. We lose employees to other organizations, especially our competitors who offer them good packages putting our strategies to dealing with the competitors at risk. As a human resource manager, I have come to realize that this is really affecting our organization. After a seriously consultation, there is need for us to come up with strategies that will see us retain most of our employees and improve the companys productivity. As a result, the human resource management team has decided to develop strategy that will compensate our employees increasing the production of the company by 25% in the next 5 years. Review of literature of the recent opinions Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of needs According to Abraham Maslows hierarchy of need, different people are at different level of satisfaction. Discovering which level each employee is at may be difficult complicating the idea behind motivational (Podmoroff, 2005). This aspect of challenge is termed management challenge. It is believed that in the past a person would work for a company for very long period unlike to day where a person within a short span of time has worked for more companies (Podmoroff, 2005). It is there fore very right to assume that employees no longer look for job as a security rather to achieve certain satisfaction, no wonder one keeps on moving from one job to the other. It is therefore very important that in the event that the company wants to keep employees long enough to achieve its goals, we must be keen in motivating them (Javitich, 2004). Fredrick Herzbergs theory of Hygiene and Motivational Factors This theory was developed based on the needs identified by the Abrahams hierarchy of needs. Herzberg divided these needs into two fold; needs focusing on survival while the other need emphasizing on personal growth, very important factors that employees would want in a job (Werner, and DeSimone, 2009). According to him, any factor that satisfies the survival need cannot provide job fulfillment to the fullest. In fact, Podmoroff (2005) says that combination of these two factors may result into four very influential conditions namely, low hygiene, and motivation and high hygiene and motivation. Werner, and DeSimone add that for these to be effective there is need to enrich the job given to the employee which entails providing both hygiene factors and adding the motivational ones. Douglas McGregors Theory X and Theory Y According to McGregors theory X, a person considers work intrinsically unpleasant and as such can do what he can to avoid the work. Theory Y on the other hand starts the contrary of events; a person looks at work as very favorable and would do anything to stay in the job (Podmoroff, 2005). Ensuring performance would there mean that. This calls for different principles to be applied by the management in order to achieve the desired motivational level. Some of the principles may include decentralizing the control of the organization, delegating some of the duties and especially to those who seem to fear job, make job diverse to accept different kind of people, ensure that the employees participate in the management of the organization and performing appraisals for the employees (Randhawa, 2007). Motivation of employee through Incentive compensation According to Gunkel (2006), motivation is the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organization goals conditioned by the efforts ability to satisfy some individual needs. He believes that however much the idea of motivation is universal where individuals go ahead to maximize their usefulness by ensuring that the issues or objectives they value most are me, it is limited to the challenging design of the study. Some organizations however, will never offer rewards to its workers when they incur higher costs that the revenues or benefits that they derive from business operations (Gunkel, 2006). To him, motivation can either bee intrinsic, coming from within the individual or extrinsic, any thing an individual gets from another person. Processes theories of motivation by Victor Vroom, Lyman Porter and Edward Lawler, III This theory assumes that any action of an individual is always goal oriented. This means therefore that when the compensation of an individual is directed towards performance, then the employee is likely to perfume better (Gunkel, 2006). . The theory asserts that even with intrinsic motivational factors, hygiene or any other factors discussed above, there still exists the need for an extrinsic power to motivate further the employee say rewards (Gunkel, 2006). Gunkel (2006) further disagrees with the idea that when incentives are give to promote extrinsic motivation, a crowding out effect will be felt between the two that is , a persons internal motivational factors will be corrupted and in many cases may not perform well until the extrinsic motivator comes into play. According to him, this holds no water. Strategic plan for change From the literature review, Processes theory developed by Victor Vroom, Lyman Porter and Edward Lawler III, it is very evident that whether all the factors of motivation come into play without the reward or compensation aspect, then the motivation becomes useless. It is therefore proper that measures be put in place to ensure that the reward aspect of motivation is there. In this regard, the human resource department has seen it worth that will improve the compensation and benefits of the employees. This will not only see our goof workers remain in the company but also enhance the productivity of the company. Our target is to be a leading company with approximately 75% of the market share in the next five years. The compensation and reward scheme that we have developed will also see our company attracting many qualified employees. This will equip the management and the skills of our employees. Better management and qualified skills will ensure that we meet the set objectives within the stipulated period, which is five years. In the recruitment, we shall ensure that we employ the best workers and especially from our competitors. The idea is to know the strengths of our competitors and their weaknesses, developing on them, and devising policies to counter act their strengths. This I believe will make us go a long way in increasing the productivity of this company and make it grow. Pay system support to the business strategy With the introduction of new rewards comprising of the compensation and benefit schemes, it is important for us to enlarge the pay system of our organization. Through this pay system, the method of reward distribution will be easier, faster, and more efficient. The enlargement of the pay system will enable us have more employment opportunities which will lead to recruitment of more employees. The efficiency and effectiveness of the system will see into it that employees get the best working environment. This in turn will enable us meet the set objective of employing more employees and retaining them to increase productivity, market share and out wit the competitors. Our recruitment will majorly concentrate on employees from our competitors. The idea is to discover their weaknesses and strengths and outwit them using the SWOT analysis technique by majoring on their weaknesses. New system and motivation of behavior, Developed system will also help us attract more employees and retain them. This will be achieved by the fact that the working environment will be very conducive to the employees. The motivational factors employed will not be limited to hygiene, and motivational factors as well as a better and efficient system to help us identify the different levels of satisfaction of each employee and try to satisfy them. Efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery makes work easier thus many employees will opt to stay rather than leave for another job that has no aspect of efficiency in it as well as effectiveness of performance in the production process. Final recommendations and possible outcomes (best and worst case scenarios) Finally, based on the data obtained, there is need to make the following recommendations: We need a strategic approach to help us in implementing the changes that we would like to introduce. To assist us in doing this, I would like to recommend that a team be selected form all the departments who will assist in designing a strategy that we will use to implement the changes. Caution however should be taken, as many employees may be resistance to change. In formulating the total compensation scheme, as the one we have offered is a sketchy one, we would like the overall management of the organization, that is the president of the company, to help us with resources including human and other required resources; finances. In addition, a team majorly comprising of the accounts, finance, overall management department and operations management departments should be composed to help in developing the scheme. This is necessary since there will be need to know the revenues and the expenditure as well as get approval from the overall. The human resource department, on my part will come up with ways of evaluating the employees, recruiting, and doing the performance appraisal in conjunction with training and development of the employees. We shall develop efficient ways through which some of the employees will be communicated to the final strategy to prevent any rebellion. In the mean time, I recommend that the accounting and finance department to develop policies and procedures of developing our payment system level. In recruiting, I would like to recommend that we target the employees of our competitors. Through this we shall discover their strengths and weaknesses and take advantage to outwit them in the market. However, I would like you to note that the above recommendation will be very costly to the organization at the on set but once the strategies are implemented, I assure you the benefits derived will far much exceed the costs experience. In effect, it is a long-term plan, five years plan. In addition, the program will not be introduced once but rather in stages and therefore there is no course for alarm. I further recommend that caution be taken when implementation of the various strategies as they are likely to be met by opposition from some employees. Summary/Conclusions In as much as employee motivation may be expensive, it is advisable that we should look at the long-term perspective of the study. The study is very broad and not all employees may be satisfied. In this regard, the human resource management department should work on achieving most of the basic forms of motivation. This include ensuring a better working environment, treating each employee equally, appraising performance of the employees, if possible allow the employees contribute to the management of the company and ensure the reward scheme is very favorable. Meeting all these will ensure that at least 85% of the workers are satisfied with the organization. As a result, many employees will be attracted, the existing ones will be retained as in effect, increased productivity, market share and growth and expansion of the organization. Let organizations take care of the most valuable and delicate asset and this will minimize costs associated with breakdown of machines, ineffective and inefficient work force. References section Gunkel, M. (2006). International Management Studies. Country Compatible Incentive Design: a Comparison of Employees Performance Reward Preferences in Germany and the USA. Wiesbaden: DUV. Javitich, A. (2004). Motivating Employees. Retrieved on November 24, 2010 from Mathis, R.L., Jackson, J.H. (2008). Human Resource Management. 12th Ed. Ohio: Thomson Inc. McNamara, C. Basics about Employee Motivation (Including Steps you can take). Retrieved on November 24, 2010 from Podmoroff, D. (2005). 365 Ways to Motivate and Reward your Employees Ever Day-With Little or No Money. Florida : Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc. Randhawa, G. (2007). Human Resource Management. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers Distributors Werner, J. M., DeSimone, R. L. (2009). Human Resource Development. 5th Ed. Ohio: South Western Cengage Learning.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

My City on the Mountain :: Personal Narrative College Flagstaff Essays

My City on the Mountain Flagstaff, Arizona to me has been â€Å"The City on the Hill† with its seemingly beautiful light shining down on to me in the Valley of the Sun. I have planned my get away up the mountain (as Phoenicians refer to going to Flagstaff) as long as I can remember. Ever since I was old enough to know what a college really was I have known I was going to be attending Northern Arizona University in the fall of 2004. The thought of cool mountain air blowing against my face each morning, sure made the wall of heat that actually surrounded my body each time I stepped out side seem unbearable. Living in a place with pine tree and four seasons filled my every dream. Northern Arizona University was to be my escape from Chandler and my place for a new start. Once there I expected to find new friends, new and better classes, and a place where I could spread my wings. When the day finally came to make my big move to Flagstaff, I was more nervous than I ever imagined was possible. Questions continually came to mind. What if I forgot something important from my room? What if I didn’t like my roommate? What if I did not make friends? And the what-if’s didn’t end there, but they were softened when I finally reached campus and was warmly welcomed by those who had moved in before me. Yet, the fears of actual friendship loomed in the back of my mind. As welcome week progressed I was able to start to meet people more and more like me. Although at times it seemed unbearably hard being as shy as I can be. Through each activity I was involved in I met people I liked, and even some that really were not the type of people I was interested in. Dreams of friends were becoming a reality and the fears in the back of my mind were slowly being quieted.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif Essay

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief is an amazing book (in my opinion) that was created by Rick Riordan. I enjoyed this book a lot because of all the detain that Mr. Riordan had put into the book and with all of the facts about Ancient Greek myths, I picked it out in the first place because I had became really interested in finding out about different cultures which included Greece . The main character, Percy Jackson, lives in New York city with his mother, Sally Jackson & his lazy step-father, Gabe Ugliano. Later on in the story, Percy finds himself living in Camp Half-Blood with his best friend, Grover Underwood. Camp Half-Blood is for children with Greek Godly parents. All children who go to the camp have ADHD & Dyslexia. The camp is on Long Island Sound and is funded by a strawberry farm that the camp takes care of. I think that the book is placed in the modern days. You can figure it out because in the camp, you are forbidden from bringing any electronics, such as cell phones since it can easily attract monsters. One of the main events in the book is when Percy and his class are on a field trip to the Museum of Natural History. As his history teacher, Mr.  Brunner babbles on about the museum, Ms. Dodds (a teacher who came along) pulls Percy away from the group and into the Roman & Greek center. Just after entering the room (no one else is in there), Ms. Dodds turns into this hideous monster with glowing red eyes, wings & long fingers. Obviously, she wasn’t human. Ms. Dodds lunges at Percy (who was still confused and shocked) until Mr. Brunner comes running into the room. The history teacher throws a pen at Percy and out comes a sword that Mr. Brunner used in class during special events. Percy kills Ms.  Dodds after that (she turns into gold dust) and later returns to the school bus. Nobody in his class remembers Ms. Dodds & when Percy asked Grover, he looked very nervous before replying. Obviously, something was going on. A second major event is when Percy and his mom go to Montauk & stay in a cabin at the beach where his mother and father had met. Later at night, a hurricane is starting to form & Grover suddenly shows up with (as Percy describes it) â€Å"Shag carpet pants on† . Grover urges Percy and his mom to leave immediately &the three of them hop into Sally’s car. Percy soon learns that Grover is actually a satyr though he had called him a â€Å"half-goat† at first which offended Grover. As their car speeds away from the cabin, a strike of lightening hits the car which makes the car swivel into a ditch giving them an image of a beast of some sort charging towards their car. The three of them escape the car and run (Though Grover was unconscious). The beast was actually a minotaur (half-man, half-bull) and it ‘kills’ Sally. Percy builds up his strength and pulls out it’s horn and stabs it, turning it into dust. He soon passes out. That event gave Percy the urge to go rescue is mother from the Underworld. . Later in the story, Percy finds out who his father really is. The camp decides to play capture the flag. Percy is assigned to patrol a small creek by Annabeth Chase (daughter of Athena) & is suddenly attacked by a group of Ares children, Clarisse La Rue & her siblings. They came back for revenge because he had humiliated her and her siblings by shooting toilet water in their faces just as Clarisse was about to shove his face into the toilet. Clarisse charges at Percy with her electric spear given to her as a gift and Percy stumbles into the creek. Instead of feeling weak, he suddenly feels a sudden surge of power go through his r his head. â€Å"Poseidon. . . Earth shaker, Storm binger, Father of horses, Hail Perseus Jackson. son of the Sea God. † body. â€Å"But then something happened. The water seemed to wake my senses, as if I’d just had a bag of my mom’s double-espresso jelly beans† . Percy, suddenly feeling a lot of strength, fights back against Clarisse & her siblings until they are all defeated. Percy even snaps Clarisse’s spear in half. Luke Castellan (son of Hermes) captures the flag for Percy’s team & Percy tries to step out of the water, suddenly feeling weak again. Suddenly, a â€Å"black hound the size of a rhino, with lava-red eyes and fangs like daggers† appears out of nowhere and attacks Percy, ripping through his armour. Chiron (Aka: Mr. Brunner and centaur) shoots several arrows at it and Percy staggers back into the water and an image of a trident appears ove Another main event is when Percy finds out who had stolen Zeus’ Master & Hades Helm of Darkness before returning to camp half-blood, Percy had gotten into fight with Ares, the God of War. The war God had given Percy a backpack in the beginning of his quest & inside of it was Zeus’ bolt the entire time. Ares confesses that he stole the Helm of Darkness and Lightning Bolt from the original thief, planning on making a war between Hades & Zeus. Percy and Ares get into a fight & Percy eventually wins, earning the Helm of Darkness, A helmet of Hades that was stolen from him. Percy, Annabeth & Grover fly to New York from California to return the bolt to Mt. Olympus on the top of Empire State Building. Percy returns the lightning bolt alone while Annabeth & Grover go back to the camp. After returning the bolt, Percy meets his father and who had acknowledged him as his son. Percy returns to Camp Half-Blood as a hero & at the end of summer, Luke Castellan confesses to Percy that he had stolen the bolt & helm before attempting to kill him with a scorpion. Luke runs away while Percy is saved by a group of wood nymphs . The main character is of course, Percy Jackson . He is described fairly tall, good looking with bright green eyes and jet black hair. Percy is introduced as a troubled twelve year old. His green eyes often remind his mother of his father. Percy is considered very troubled. He gets irritated when called by his first name which is ‘Perseus’ and has been expelled from every single school that he had been to. Throughout the book, Percy becomes stronger in both physical and mental ways. He becomes more brave, confident, and learns that he is a natural leader. Percy is also very willing to risk his life for others. He showed that trait by journeying to the underworld to get his mother back. Percy hopes that he can bring back Zeus’ Master Bolt & get his mother back before it’s too late. Percy is described the protagonist in the book while the antagonist isn’t exactly shown until later in the book. While Percy, Annabeth and Grover do the best they can while out on the quest, Luke Castellan was the unsuspecting villain. Luke always acted nice towards Percy, trying to get close. When he had given Percy flying shoes to help him in the quest, Luke had meant it to lead Percy to his death. Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot and I give it a nine out of ten. The book is filled with lots of adventure (there’s never a dull moment) comedy & things that people now a days would consider, ‘fake’ or ‘untrue’ even though it is very interesting. I recommend this book to all ages but a bit more to people ages 10 to 12, even teenagers. I recommend it around that age because that’s around the age where you start to become more curious about things out there in the world. You start to become more open and realize what you really are interested in and Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief is a great book to realize what types of book genre you’re interested in & it helps show you that there is always a hidden potential inside of you.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Understanding and Coping with Change

Understanding and Coping with Change For many years, the world of business has experienced an increasing rate of change. Alvin Toffler (1970) predicted the trend several decades ago. Toffler also noted that people exhibit a natural tendency to resist change. This resistance to change is a major organizational challenge that organizations must learn to manage.As individuals respond to change in different ways, and as variations in responses produce different outcomes the recognition of this resistance to change is an essential step in the development and implementation of effective change management strategies. Change, positive or negative, is unsettling because people seek stability. Certain individuals are more resistant to change than others, at times there can be situational characteristics such as a lack of trust in management contributing to this resistance to change.Often this resistance to change is out of self interest, at stake can be factors such as income, job security, pr estige, power, and personal convenience. Low tolerance for change, lack of trust in management, and self interest are all factors which result in resistance to change. However my experience suggests that lack of understanding of the need for change can be the single greatest contributing factor and is the factor which the organization has the greatest control over.My current employer is in the process of implementing a major change in the organizational structure. Without going into too much detail the restructure involves changes to the pay structure and changes in organizational reporting . As is the case with most organizational changes there has been a great deal of resistance involved. Previously I had suggested that lack of understanding of the need for change can be the single greatest contributing factor and the factor which the organization has the greatest control over.I believe that to be the case here, the organization has done an absolutely abysmal job in communicating what the changes will entail and why the changes are needed. As a result of this poor communication there is a great deal of apprehension and resistance to these changes. This poor communication has resulted in a lack of trust in senior management and an ever increasing sentiment that the changes are going to result in a reduction in pay and benefits. This protection of self interest is a natural eaction being that many of the individuals affected have been with the organization for several years. Over time a person's investment in a company escalates as pension funds accumulate and the allowed vacation time rises, along with their chances of being promoted or enjoying the benefits of seniority, this is known as the sunk cost doctrine. This investment in the organization can in turn lead to greater resistance to change as the employee seeks to maintain the status quo (Patti, 1974).Again it is imperative that the organization manage change through proper communications, detailing the nature of the pending changes and the need for and expectations of these changes. While this will not always ensure that all members of the organization agree with the changes or the need for them it will eliminated the apprehension that comes with the unknown. John Kotter of the Harvard Business School has built on existing models of change to create a more detailed approach for implementing change. Kotter began by listing common mistakes that organizations make when trying to initiate changes.These mistakes include the inability of the organization to create a sense of urgency about the need for change, failure to create a coalition for managing the change process, the absence of a vision for change and the ability to effectively communicate that vision, not removing obstacles that could impede the achievement of the vision, failure to provide short term and achievable goals, the tendency to declare victory too soon, and not anchoring the changes into the organization’s cu lture (Kotter, 1996).Kotter established eight sequential steps for organizations to use in overcoming and managing these problems. They are as follows; 1. Establish a sense of urgency by creating a compelling reason of why change is needed. 2. Form a coalition with enough power to lead the change. 3. Create a new vision to direct the change and strategies for achieving the vision. 4. Communicate the vision throughout the organization. 5. Empower others to act on the vision by removing barriers to change and encouraging risk taking and creative problem solving 6.Plan for and create reward short term wins that move the organization toward the new vision. 7. Consolidate improvements, reassess changes, and make necessary adjustments in the new program. 8. Reinforce the changes by demonstrating the relationship between new behaviors and organizational success. The first four steps essentially extrapolate on the unfreezing stage. Steps 5 through 7 represent ‘movement’. And th e final step works on ‘refreezing’. When I look at the organizational structure change my current employer is going through it is clear that they have made many of the mistakes Kotter discussed.When reviewing the unfreezing stage the organization has not created any sense of urgency or new vision to direct change. As I have discussed previously the entire communication process related to these changes has been vague at best. The restructuring project is being lead by well respected senior management within the organization, however without the other components discussed respected senior management leadership of project is not enough to ensure its success. We are currently in the movement phase of the project, this phase has been filled with a great deal of uncertainty and apprehension.Individuals within the organization are concerned as to what the end result is going to look like and ultimately how their self interests are going to be affected. The final step of refree zing has not yet occurred, so it is unclear if this project will ever achieve acceptance among the member of the organization. I believe that while the organization has made many mistakes in implementing this change it is not too late for this project to be successful. While to project is currently underway, or in the movement phase, I believe the senior management can take a step back, recognize mistakes made, and implement an expedited unfreezing stage.A component of this expedited unfreezing stage needs to be recognition of initial failures followed by creating the sense of urgency and the creation of new vision that Kotter outlined. Without that I do not foresee the organization being successful in demonstrating the relationship between new behaviors and organizational success. Kotter, J. P. (1996). Leading change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Patti, R. J. (1974). Organizational resistance and change: The view from below. Social Service Review, 48, 371–372. Toff ler, A. (1970). Future shock. New York: Random House.

Proprietary Versus Contract Security Essay

As an organization grows so must the security, and it has to be on the top of the list. When considering what type of security to choose, either proprietary or contact, they need to look at the value of the organization? This value within the organization will need some sort of protection to deter theft, vandalism, and destruction. The boardroom conversation could to from, â€Å"We have nice stuff† to â€Å"How are we going to protect it.† Leadership will need to decide how they will handle the issue of protecting their items that the business owns. In the process we will need to look at the pros and cons of both proprietary and contract security. Both of them have very big advantages associated with them but most of the time only one meets the needs of the organization. We have established that the organization has nice stuff, they need to protect it, we assume they have the month to support either option and they have a choice to make. This issues come down to managem ent, and cost. One option provides for maximum control whereas the other does not allow for much control. The costs are different also. One option there is a set cost, but it could be high and other option the cost could depend upon the capabilities of the office and how many people are hired for the organization. We have defined the problem and lay out the possible options. We will explore the outcomes, their advantages, and their disadvantages. It comes down to what the right fit for the organization. Additionally we will look at these differences between proprietary versus contract security as it compares to consistency, effectiveness, and obligation (COHEN (1979). Choosing Contract or Proprietary Security). The cost of proprietary security is costly. The organization is in control of reimbursing for benefits and greater salaries for their knowledgeable workers. The position of proprietary security is greater; it typically draws a higher class of sentinel. The salaries have a tendency to be lower for a contract security company in lieu of uniforms, absent leave, exercises, drills, and benefits that are enclosed by the company. Management of proprietary security workers often touch more devoted to a specific organization because of solidarity with follow workers, and has a chance for improvement and advancements. There are times when an organization may have to improve or discharge staff, which creates a problematic issue within an organization. The use of contract security, the organization has a chance to contract with staffing problems simply and swiftly. With steadiness the organization needs regular security configuration that desires to be intervened; acquiring regular proprietary security is the easiest way to go. A significant consideration is determining which sort of company to use is that irrespective of which kind of company we hand-pick, worker throughput is an option. Conditional on the location, this might be problematic that touches the security and well-being of folks within the organization. The efficiency of proprietary security workers are qualified to meet the exact needs of the organization, which aids them to become more accustomed with the framework of the organization and identify employees and personnel approaching the organization. With a higher throughput percentage, contract security sentinels are not particular friendly with the organizations workforce. This affects their devotion and obligation and unfavorably, their disadvantage, affects their advancement and performance. Obligation is a risk because when an organization chooses to accept proprietary security, it is accountable for all background checks, certifying that all candidates has the appropriate training, credentials, and qualifications for the duties. When functioning with a contract security business, we do not have to be concerned with qualifications, skills, credentials, and recruitment or background checks. It is all controlled by the contract security business. They take full liability for the officer’s action and discipline if needed. Advantages and disadvantages of Proprietary Security The advantages for hiring in-house security personnel are numerous. The first main point is that we have total control of the policies and the enforcement. We have total control or reporting and rules for the guards. Another advantage is that you can pay them as you build up the organization, so the cost is not one big payment but smaller payments. Hiring Proprietary Security personnel is another good thing. You can be sure of the character of the person that you are bringing into your organization, and you can ask the questions that we need during an interview. Proprietary Security can be compensated well enough so the business can minimize turnover. Turnover can have a down affect if the organizations is not paying security well enough based upon standards. The disadvantages of proprietary security are too varying. The main point is that you have to pay for additional training. There are rules and regulations by law that govern the type of training required based on the securities responsibly. Another key point is you have to schedule their hours to ensure that there is coverage during important times. You have additional benefits and insurance requirements for those that carry a weapon. Most important if the organization downsizes there is a chance that security will be cut whereas a contract security is funded through the year and will be maintain. Advantages and Disadvantages Contract Security The first key advantage point for an organization is that they come at a fixed price. When the bidding process is done, we pay the contract security that amount, and we are done. No additional cost to the organization. The next items you can state the statement of work with what training is required. Their major key factor is that using contract security we are responsible for ensuring there is someone on duty. Turnover is not a factor because contract security must have someone trained and ready to guard your organization. The last point and is beneficial to the overhead cost of the organization is that you do not have to worry about additional paying of benefits or insurance. The disadvantage of contract security is that you have less control of the policies and their work. You do not know if the contract security have been properly cleared and is good character for your organization. The contract security employee works for the organization and is best for that organization but wi ll be probably higher than the best interest for your organization. The finally point is a present lack of understanding or control, and you always have in the mind, who they working for. (Contract Security Guards or Proprietary (In-House) Guards, July 6, 2009) Conclusion Who is best for the organization, proprietary or contact security? There is no right or wrong answer to this question. The short answer fits best or fits with your organization. The organization must analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of determining what the best option for the organization is. The choice can be difficult because if something goes wrong it points back to you, and you could be out of a job. The key factor to determine what you need is what is being protected? There is no right answer or solution to determine what is needed for the organization. The organization must look at their needs and requirements and what each advantage or disadvantage provides (Security Officers as a Business) References COHEN (1979). Choosing Contract or Proprietary Security. Contract Security Guards or Proprietary (In-House) Guards, July 6, 2009 Security Officers as a Business

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Is Violence the Only Way to Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Is Violence the Only Way to Freedom - Essay Example The essay "Is Violence the Only Way to Freedom?" discusses the Fanon's ideas regarding the ways out of colonization and a place of violence in this kind of system. Fanon suggests that violence is the only way out of colonization, which is based on the constant opposition between colonized people and colonizers. It is true that power is the main connector between colonists and colonies. This power is of violent, oppressive and humiliating character towards colonized people in order to state the victory and power of colonists. Even now the rests of the system divide each society into minorities and majorities which are often separated from one another. Fanon suggests that this â€Å"Manichean world† with the clear binary opposition can end only when colonized people collaborate and resist. He states that violent resistance with pain and blood lead people to freedom. If people have grassroots initiatives, local intellectual leaders, one program and shared vision of the future, they can steadily move to decolonization utilizing non-violent methods of opposition. Violence from colonies will be definitely interpreted as danger and threat for their metropolis. Leaders of colonists often ready to violence and human sacrifice for the sake of common freedom, as it is stated by Fanon. Violence serves as a catalyst of this conflict escalation, it attracts attention and sympathy, but it also creates a certain image of the colony, which plays against its successful chances to save their culture, identity, and dignity.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

433Mod4Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

433Mod4Case - Essay Example Usability needs to be assessed on the basis of three important factors- semantics, features and operations. Semantics denotes that a particular software or tool can be considered to possess high usability if its entire approach is user friendly in nature. In relation to features usability is judged on the basis of absence or presence of certain elements in user interface. The other important component is operations and this helps in evaluating affective and performance levels of certain tasks (Usability First, 2011). Software usability needs to be analyzed from both ends that are from view point of users as well as experts. This would help in determining the overall scenario in terms of effectiveness and efficiency of software or a program. Verification and validation process in normally conducted in the final phase of software implementation. The documentation that is prepared by HCI experts comprise of various elements that defines relevant instructions associated with the software (User Interface Design and Usability, 2009). There are different assessment criteria’s for different software tools on the basis of their programming and objective. However end users are a key component in the entire evaluation process. HCI experts are involved in selecting tools and methods that would help in determining loopholes present in the software. There are two major techniques that are incorporated by users in evaluation process that are early life cycle techniques and late life cycle techniques. The early life cycle technique can be regarded as heuristic evaluation which helps to identify usability issues before implementation phase. These issues are the resolved and implemented in the iterative design process. On the other hand late life cycle technique is applied after the software implementation process has been completed (Nielsen, 2011). This technique is usually in the form of

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Millennium Development Goals of Nepal Assignment

The Millennium Development Goals of Nepal - Assignment Example The UN Millennium campaign has created partnerships with the Resident Coordinators office in various targeted countries in order to inspire and support the people all over the world for taking adequate actions, supporting the MDGs. In this regard, Nepal is deemed to be one of the most targeted and highly prioritised countries of the world. In Nepal, the Millennium campaign has a powerful interlink with the â€Å"Civil Society Organisations†, UN system and the local bodies, which tends to enhance its campaigning efforts and policy advocacy works (1United Nations Development Programme, 2014). This goal has been established in order to support the economically under-developed countries of the world wherein the people are not even able to afford the basic necessities of life such as food, which results in causing malnutrition. Therefore, in context to Nepal, the goal mainly focuses on improving the standards of living of the people as well as minimising the distance persisting between rich and poor. The target of the goal is to reduce the fraction of people in Nepal by 50 percent whose daily earnings is less than $1.25 and suffering from famine. The target is proposed to be accomplished in between 1990 and 2015 (1United Nations, 2015). In order to confirm that the above targets get accomplished within a set timeframe, the country will mainly analyse two indicators. The first indicator represents the prevailing rate of under-weighted children those who are below the age of five years and the second indicator denotes the proportion of populaces in the country who do not rece ive minimum level of diet (Shakya, 2013). This goal was designed to ensure that all the children of a country receive primary education and possess the right to enrol themselves in primary schools and complete their education. However, in relation to Nepal, the goal mainly focused on increasing the number of literacy rates in the country by providing the opportunity of primary education. As per the

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Nuclear Weapons and Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nuclear Weapons and Terrorism - Essay Example Although it may be the case that some terrorists (Or terrorist sympathizers) might be able to build an implosion assembly method (Using a plutonium core) or gun-type assembly method (Uranium tip) thermonuclear weapon from scratch, this approach would be unlikely. Firstly, it would be difficult to gather all of the raw nuclear materials and assemble them into a working weapon. Although it was postulated by Nuclear Control Institute (2011) that in theory terrorists could steal nuclear power plant fuel and convert that into a working nuclear weapon. However it is my belief that it is far more likely that the theft of completed nuclear weapon sub-components from various sources and then bring them together. The next major issue for consideration is the idea that a completed nuclear weapon could be stolen by terrorist groups. Although it may be the case that nations with nuclear weapons state that they have strict controls over the storage and transport it is the case that the Internation al Atomic Energy Commission only places physical security standards on international shipments of nuclear materials and not the internal transportation of these weapons. As such one could postulate that there may exist inadequate protection of several nations nuclear weapon arsenals.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Renal transplants Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Renal transplants - Research Paper Example During this time, approximately one third of potential living donors are unable to donate to their potential recipients due to ABO or antigen incompatibility. Kidney paired donation (KPD) and kidney list donation (KLD) were the alternative options for candidates with incompatible donor (McKay, 2010, 103). The first KPD transplant was performed on South Korea in 1991. The United States performed its first KPD transplant in 2000 in Rhode Island Hospital while the first KLD occurred in England in 2001 (McKay, 2010, 104). The kidney is the most commonly transplanted organ in the world with more than 160,000 persons in the United States living with a transplanted kidney by the end of 2008 (Shoskes, 2011, 154). But despite this number, persons needing kidney transplantation still increases and a relative scarcity in terms of resource arise. A complete array of information about kidney transplantation was included in the databases of U.S. Renal Database System (USRDS), Scientific Registry o f Renal Transplants Recipients (SRTR), United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), and Collaborative Transplant Study (Shoskes, 2011, 154). Procedures Before a patient undergo kidney transplantation, a series of laboratory tests and procedures are needed to perform and complete. Matching is the key tool is successful transplantation. The donor’s organ should match the recipient’s body in terms of ABO and antigen incompatibility to avoid risks of rejection. The patient with end-stage renal disease may choose from treatments such as peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis, or transplantation. Transplantation is done if the patient wants the treatment or if according to disease severity, requires the transplantation procedure. The surgical team involves the pre-emptive living donor (LD) transplantation to minimize pre-operation transplant list and maximize operative choices. The LD transplantation decreases the risk of acute tubular necrosis due to ischemia, increases potential fo r matching, and offers opportunity to initiate and optimize immunosuppressive therapy, thereby reducing acute rejection episodes (McKay, 2010, 17). Background regarding the quality of the donor’s organ was predetermined and positive outcome was expected. Then, the transplant team prepares the patient for the procedure. However, if the patient has superior vena cava syndrome due to an AV graft in the previous hemodialysis, a different procedure is done by the nephrologists and cardiologists. The organ transplantation is divided into five separate procedures (McKay, 2010, 18) and discussed as follows: 1) Preparation – the surgeon discuss to the patient the surgical procedure. General anesthesia is introduced after and intraoperative measures are implemented. 2) Exposure – after prepping and draping, incision is made in the right or left lower quadrant. 3) Vascular Anastomoses – venous anastomoses first and arterial anastomoses must be last to avoid complica tions of bleeding and thrombosis. The kidney is chilled and topical iced is used liberally. Clamp is placed in the renal vein. 4) Ureteral anastomoses – is the preferred method to establish urologic continuity 5) Closing – wound/skin closure and measures to prevent complications. After completion of all the procedures in kidney transplantation, the patient is placed in the recovery area and post-operative interventions are applied. Health providers monitor for rejection signs post-operative

Assessment Writing Essay Example for Free

Assessment Writing Essay My practical work in January 2005 was for option 1. It was a piece of devised drama work and was based on the theme of sisterhood. Our play was about a group of four, seven year old children coming together to help their friend Rachael who is ill. The children act together for Rachael and turn to witchcraft to make her healthier but it fails and at the end of the play Rachael dies. There were 5 people in my drama group which included Rachael, Yasmine, Emily, Rosie and myself. The main theme of our play was sisterhood also the friends acting together to try to make Rachel better this was how sisterhood was used. My contribution to the performance was as a performer. I had to play the role of one of Rachaels friends who took part in the spell with the other friends. I also contributed by writing some of the play with the other people in my group. We practiced in lessons and during our lunchtimes so that the play would be ready for its performance date. To help me in my work I looked for information on the internet about health spells as we wanted to use one in our performance. I also looked on the internet to find out more information about leukaemia and its symptoms so that we could include them in our play to make it seem more realistic. I also looked at one picture and one painting. The picture was a war picture it symbolises women in the war and that they were needed to help to win the war. The painting was of what they look to be children who look as if they are casting a spell of some sort as the picture looks rather mystical. The most useful material I looked at was the information I found from the internet because it helped me understand the symptoms of leukaemia and to look at different kinds of health spells and for us to choose which one was more relevant for our play. Our piece was set in modern times, however the picture was set in the time of the Second World War and the painting was set it seems in modern times too. The picture and painting were similar to our play because the painting is of children looking as if they are casting a spell as it looks mystical and magical and they look very engrossed in what they are doing this is what we tried to do in our play when we cast the spell. The picture is similar to our play because it is about women pulling together to try and make a difference and in some aspects our play is about the children pulling together to help Rachael get better. The biggest differences were that the play was set in modern times and not in the Second World War and the play was about a group of friends not of women in the Second World War. The people who appear in our production are mainly children. In contrast, those in the painting and the picture are adults and children. You could tell this because the picture is of women coming together but the painting looks of children. We chose to perform in the style of naturalist because we wanted to make out the friendship of them to be as real as possible to create more of an effect with the ending. We used informal language as they were children playing and doing children things. In conclusion, I would like to say that the picture and the painting have helped me by seeing how many things use the aspects of sisterhood in many different ways and it is not always obvious. I contributed a lot into this piece of work, I am pleased with the out come and how the others performed in my group.